

Fast, good or cheap? Rightsizing your technology strategy in a challenging economy.

Build stronger, more resilient operations, while optimising IT spend.

It’s no secret that the 2023 economic landscape has created an uphill battle for Australian mid-market organisations. In the face of supply chain constraints, skills shortages, and an aggressive hike in interest rates, organisations still need to stay focused on their three main goals: growth, attracting and retaining customers, all while reducing costs and improving cash flow.

In eBook 1 of our 3-Part series, we introduce the theme of “Fast, good or cheap? Rightsizing your technology strategy in a challenging economy”. We’ll reveal the latest strategies, insights and real-word data to guide you towards an optimised IT environment in 2024 and beyond.

This eBook covers:

How the current economic environment is impacting business operations
How the average technology budget for mid-to-large organisations has changed from 2020 to today
The top IT priorities for Australian organisations in 2023/2024
The importance of data and data management plans to business success

Next up..

To recap, in eBook 1 we’ve looked at how the current economic environment has impacted technology budgets and investment priorities, and how it’s placed even more focus on the importance of data. Next in our 3-Part series is eBook 2: “Your data is blowing up. Make sure your infrastructure doesn’t”, where we discuss the importance of developing high data integrity and a single source of truth.



Your data is blowing up. Make sure your infrastructure doesn’t.

In eBook 2 of our 3-Part series, we provide valuable insights to the complexities of data management and technology infrastructure, along with a checklist of the key issues that you should be considering when developing your data management strategy.



Cybersecurity in Australia, the next 12 months.

In our final eBook of our 3-Part series, we’re closing in on the theme of “Cybersecurity in Australia, the next 12 months”. We discuss the importance of resource prioritisation for the development of the security posture you need. At the end we provide a short checklist of issues that should be top-of-mind when developing your cybersecurity strategy.