5 Steps you can use to Implement ITaaS into your Business

IT service delivery is quickly moving away from a product and project-based delivery model to a more flexible, on-demand model known as IT-as-a-Service (ITaaS). ITaaS helps structure your organisation to get the most out of ICT solutions with ITaaS and prepare for the cost and business benefits.

Moving to ITaaS is a challenge for many organisations used to the traditional mode of deploying a one-off IT solution in response to a business demand. While there are

many unique factors which make up an organisation’s transition, let’s review five simple steps to getting you on the path to ITaaS.

Step 1: Build a Platform, not a Product

IT is often seen as a “product” response to a business requirement. A goal like “we spent six months deploying our new insurance system” is not uncommon. In the world of ITaaS, IT is more of a platform which can be used to support multiple business outcomes.

Step 2: Partner with ITaaS Friendly Suppliers

This may seem obvious, but vendors and service providers can be very product and project focused. There will always be a need for products and project work, but in an ITaaS-centric model they are delivered on a consumption basis. The key benefit here is the business can start to see a return without having to commit to a large capital expenditure. With Tecala cloud services and IT-as-a-Service provider, everything is taken care of, and includes comprehensive remote monitoring; capacity planning; and diagnostics of servers, desktops, and all network devices.

Step 3: Prepare Capex Budgets to be Opex

This is another, somewhat artificial, barrier organisations face when moving to ITaaS. Many IT budgets are divided into allocations of capital and operating expenditures. ITaaS is fundamentally and Opex financial model so the less restrictions in Opex spending the better.

Step 4: Get Business and IT Involved

ITaaS presents a good opportunity to overcome the age-old problem of alignment. ITaaS is all about business outcomes powered IT, so it makes sense to get both business and IT stakeholders involved with supplier engagements.

Step 5: Rethink your Return On It

With the ITaaS building blocks in place, it’s time to review how the ROI of ICT solutions and services is calculated. In the project world it’s all about seeing a return after a set time period like three to five years. ITaaS rewrites the ROI equation and value can be expected more immediately.

Let us know some of the steps your organisation is taking towards IT-as-a-Service or ITaaS.


Register for an initial online discussion over Zoom, phone, or in person. And let’s find out where your business most needs our award-winning services and support.

By analysing your specific needs and priorities, we’ll give you a realistic and practical recommendation on what’s required to accelerate your modern architecture.

Our Senior Consultants will help you evaluate and understand your options, so you can make decisions that benefit both your business and your employees, while mitigating unnecessary risk.​

Combining Strategy, Transformation, Management and Optimisation, we identify and remove the obstacles to a successful outcome, before you even know they’re there.​

Step 1: Recap and review

Together we’ll examine the steps you’ve already taken in IT procurement and review the parameters for the architecture planning you’ll need in place going forward.

Step 2: Shape the

Future planning for optimal performance, focusing on effective communication and collaboration, device lifecycle and configuration management and security.

Step 3: Identify your requirements

This is where we clearly identify the steps you need to have in place to develop your Strategic Technology Roadmap to create a Modern Dynamic Workplace. 

Step 4: Get the

You’ll receive a high-level report with our recommendations to accelerate your modern architecture, and the next steps for delivering your Strategic Technology Roadmap.

We’ll get you there. Faster.

With a high-level plan in place, you’ll have a clear understanding on the business case, benefits, and high-level budget considerations for your technology platform to accelerate your modern architecture. And you’ll be ready to leverage the Cloud to deliver the services and applications your teams need.


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