Update your privacy policies in relation to your legal and compliance responsibilities
Once you understand your data landscape, you can review and update your organisation’s privacy policies and notices to reflect the latest data privacy requirements. Ensure that your policies are written in clear and accessible language, outlining how personal data is collected, used, shared, and stored.
Your employees will also need ongoing education, support, measurement, and notification on their performance around data. This will ensure violations, bad practices, or high-risk behaviour can be quickly identified and rectified.
There will be other legal compliance issues that you’ll need to be across. For example, if your organisation relies on consent as a legal basis for processing personal data, ensure that consent is obtained in a clear and explicit manner.
Furthermore, data privacy should not just be a centralised practice, there should be distributed responsibilities owned by employees, teams, business units, suppliers, partners, and vendors. Having a Data Protection Officer in place will ensure these regulatory and compliance issues are appropriately managed and coordinated.
Review your existing Cyber Security Landscape
We also strongly recommend reviewing your cyber insurance policy to ensure you’re covered in the event of data breach.
Designed to assist organisations to overcome the disruption and expense of an attack, cyber insurance policies have become a key component of most cyber security strategies. They’re designed to reduce risk by assisting with the cost of recovery from an attack, including expenses incurred by your business and third parties, such as partners or suppliers. This helps organisations get back on their feet and resume normal operations as quickly as possible.
Before opting to purchase a cyber-insurance policy, you’ll need to take time to carefully assess your current level of cyber risk. Because this involves the thorough assessment of core IT systems, applications, stored data, and business process, it’s logical to do this as part of your Cyber Security Assessment.
In our recent blog ‘10-point plan for minimising cyber risk and insurance premiums’, we provide a checklist of factors you should be reviewing to ensure the effectiveness of your cyber approach.