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It’s time for Australian businesses to step up to the plate

For a while now, IT vendors and service providers here in Australia have been all too familiar with the challenge of securing the talent they need to service customers and expand their operations.

Here at Tecala, hiring for growth has been a constant since the onset of the pandemic. We continue to explore the talent market for candidates with cloud, cyber-security, comms and automation expertise – employees who can hit the ground running and demonstrate our values.

We appreciate that the experience we provide as an employer is critical in finding and keeping key talent. As a result, we have a well-developed People Strategy that we execute against – this includes the two Rs – recruitment and retention.

When it comes to recruitment, attracting high caliber employees is significantly easier if your organisation has earned a reputation as a great place to work.

In today’s times, it’s possible for candidates to glean extensive insights about your culture from social media platforms and review sites. If past hires are less than effusive about their experience on your team, it may be tough to tempt them to take the plunge.

Meanwhile, offering a seamless onboarding experience, perhaps using robotic process automation (RPA), can ensure new starters get off on the right foot.

The other R, every bit as important, is retention.

Fail to focus on all the elements that keep employees engaged and committed – think supportive workplace culture, attractive career paths, ample professional development opportunities, competitive remuneration and a compelling benefits package – and you’ll remain on the hiring merry-go-round; having to backfill existing roles as quickly as you secure candidates for new ones.

Today, businesses need to make a serious commitment to fostering talent internally.

Through homegrown talent, we’ve developed a culture of learning, rich in diversity and experiences. Since the Covid pandemic hit, we have introduced the Tecala Learning Academy, leadership programs and mentoring plans for our most promising individuals.

Leveraging talent where differing industry skills can be reapplied to the technology environment has been an invaluable asset for us. We’ve taken chances on those wishing to get their first break into the workforce as well as those embarking on a career transition.

The results…

We couldn’t be happier with how each and every one of these individuals has progressed. Highly motivated and eager to learn, they’ve all become valued and well-liked members of the Tecala team, and we very much hope they’ll remain so, for many years to come.

We believe bringing more trainees and interns into the business will help us create a strong pipeline of emerging talent; talent we depend on, if we’re to continue servicing our customers and growing our business at a healthy rate.

If more IT organisations do likewise, on whatever scale is suited to their requirements and resources, we should see an easing of the skills shortage dilemma that continues to affect our sector.



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