

Start Smart: Navigating your AI Journey

There’s this thing called AI, perhaps you’ve heard of it?

Potential generates hype, which generates interest, which generates hype, which… you get the drift. The real issue is how do businesses cut through the hype and understand the reality?

This insights report shares TRA’s Australian business AI research and insights, exploring questions such as:

Large orange diamond What are Australian companies doing about their AI plans and projects?
Large orange diamond Are there common project phases to an AI deployment? (Answer: Yes)
Large orange diamond What considerations do companies have at each phase, which issues are important, what metrics are in use?
Large orange diamond Where do technology partners fit?

For example, did you know…?

Large orange diamond 300 Australian businesses rated their agreement with the statement “The earlier we use AI solutions and tools, the stronger our business and competitive performance will be compared to competitors that are not yet using it.”, scoring it a 7.7 out of 10 (where 0 is totally disagree and 10 totally agree).
Large orange diamond The most commonly preferred AI solution is what TRA terms embedded AI applications (think Microsoft Copilot for 365 or Salesforce’s Einstein solutions). The majority of AI solutions will typically sit on a cloud stack.
Large orange diamond 56% of Australian companies will use a partner to deploy their AI solution for them.


Get started on your Intelligent Automation Journey.

Let’s get you started on your automation journey.

If you already know you need to automate, but not sure where to start, book your Art of the Possible Session today. 

If you already know you need to automate, and you already have ideas on where to start, we’ll get you going with an Automation Evaluation.



Fast, good or cheap? Rightsizing your technology strategy in a challenging economy.

In eBook 1 of our 3-Part series, we introduce the theme of “Fast, good or cheap? Rightsizing your technology strategy in a challenging economy”. We’ll reveal the latest strategies, insights and real-word data to guide you towards an optimised IT environment in 2024 and beyond.



Your data is blowing up. Make sure your infrastructure doesn’t.

In eBook 2 of our 3-Part series, we provide valuable insights to the complexities of data management and technology infrastructure, along with a checklist of the key issues that you should be considering when developing your data management strategy.