
Is your organisation “fit” for the future? Take these 10 steps to get there

How does an organisation become fit? These 10 key characteristics set a fit organisation apart from the crowd.

One of the most misunderstood quotes in history would have to be one from Charles Darwin. Darwin’s “survival of the fittest” in biology is not about which species is smartest or strongest, but which is most adaptable to change.

In business, to be “fit” is to be resilient, and 2020/21 showed us how important it is to be prepared for change. Change can be expected, or sudden, and the organisations which emerge stronger as a result of change will be the “resilient” ones. 2022 will be all about performance, agility, and being fit enough to compete in a rapidly evolving business landscape.

According to research firm Gartner, “fragile” organisations are hit severely, or very severely, by disruption and emerge further behind “fit” organisations as a result. Fit enterprises suffered the same severe downturn, however managed to thrive afterward on the back of faster profit growth and new business models.

At Tecala we believe in transforming organisations so they are more resilient. This means making them better prepared for change and enabling them to respond to and then dominate new environments faster than their competitors.

The Gartner analysts found more than half (53%) of fit organisations rank themselves as being effective at making technology an integral part of their business strategy. This shows how pivotal the alignment between technology and business strategy is, and this is the real value of an effective MSP.

From our experience working with many Australian SME organisations, we know that this level of adaptability isn’t possible purely through technology rollouts. It requires end-to-end collaboration and cooperation throughout the business, which for many means kickstarting wide-ranging cultural change. To do this effectively, businesses need a true partner to work alongside their team, pursuing opportunities and goals and beating an often un-trodden path to an innovative future.

As Gartner’s research found, fit organisations consistently outperform their fragile counterparts in many key areas. This enables them to invest and maintain profit margins, while others shrink due to high operating costs and resistance to change. Gartner identifies 10 key capabilities that set a fit organisation apart from the crowd.

  1. Strong leadership: Being fit starts at the top and must be led by senior management. This will ensure an understanding of the goals and what is required to reach them.
  2. Disciplined IT investment decisions: You can’t afford to be constantly distracted by the latest ‘shiny new thing’. Guided by your MSP, investments must be strategic.
  3. Communicating a clear vision: Employees at all levels must understand what the goal of becoming a fit organisation means and how they can help to achieve it.
  4. Consistent business strategy: Reaching strategic goals requires a detailed strategic roadmap to guide decisions and progress. Establish this before work begins.
  5. A strong CIO-CEO relationship: IT needs to be closely aligned with the business. To achieve this, fit organisations have a tight relationship between their CIO and CEO.
  1. Using IT to gain competitive advantage: Technology involves far more than simply keeping the lights on. Determine ways it can be used to deliver a true competitive advantage.
  2. Anticipating opportunities: The market is constantly evolving, and opportunities are appearing all the time. Fit organisations are ready for them and can act when they appear.
  3. Take on risks for long-term growth: Fit organisations don’t shy away from risk, but carefully assess it to determine whether the potential result is worth it.
  4. Effectively navigating change: Change is a constant in today’s business world. Fit organisations review approaches and strategies to ensure they are aligned with the wider picture.
  5. Fostering an IT culture: The integral part played by IT in fit organisations means there must be a culture that recognises business needs.

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To improve your resilience there is no need to take on everything yourself. At Tecala, our purpose is simple: To create enduring partnerships where we navigate technology to deliver brilliant client outcomes.

This came to light during the COVID-19 crisis when our number one priority was to help businesses ensure the health and safety of their employees while maintaining business productivity and security.

And we enjoy partnering with organisations who understand that having a strong business continuity plan in place, which deeply aligns IT with their business objectives, is the critical to emerge stronger from the pandemic and thrive in 2021.

Regardless of the fluctuating economic environment, the strong and fit organisations are already putting strategies in place to emerge stronger from the recent downturns.

If you have not already started planning for a more resilient, robust, and agile 2021 and beyond now is the time to do so. We’re predicting that 2021 will see a ‘revival of the fittest’ among organisations who have pursued change during the crisis. And, as your strategic technology partner, we’re ready to start working on your fitness to ensure you come back stronger.

Why partner with an MSP? MSPs can help by sharing your values and beliefs that fundamentally drive your growth. From consulting and advisory to managed services, a modern MSP will take a holistic view of your organisation and the opportunities for innovation.

We can work with you to design a clear strategic roadmap that will allow you to use IT to gain a sustainable competitive advantage. Our consulting and advisory team can also work with your senior management team to provide clear and effective leadership. Tecala delivers on our values:

Develop long-term proactive relationships with clients to provide the strategic and operational advantage of high-end managed IT solutions while driving optimal technology utilisation, savings, and productivity. Developing these long-term proactive relationships – and bringing in people to work with others on a long-term basis – demands a strong culture fit. One of the most powerful features of a company is culture and if you are going to engage you need a solid culture.

We build relationships which are critical to alignment. According to Gartner, fit organisations have a strong relationship between leaders, and IT has a strong alignment with the business, and that has to come from the top. One of the key indicators is a strong relationship between the CEO and CIO which results in a culture where IT is valued as an enabler.

We support the democratisation of IT to ensure your business is always able to innovate and your IT environment and is operating at peak performance. We democratise IT by allowing any mid-market organisation to leverage enterprise IT to get on the growth curve earlier. We believe the mid-market deserves this democratisation, and if IT delivers a better end-user experience and is an enabler at an individual level, it will make for happier and more productive employees.


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