From challenge comes change – Renata Bastalic, General Manager of People & Culture at Tecala, shares what the IT industry needs to be doing to attract more women in the years ahead.
The IT industry needs to get involved with educational institutes to provide early careers advice and promote Tech/ STEM roles and career pathways. The industry needs to be aware of what is available, and the benefits this involvement can bring about at micro and macro levels.
At the same time, both industry and academia need to consider options of work placement for students to provide real-life experience of what a role in IT could look like. Offering these experiences earlier for students and looking to increase the availability of traineeships in technology would be a step forward.
Another useful step forward would be publicising the variety of career opportunities in tech as well as opportunities for engineers. There are fantastic roles in leadership, sales, project management, consulting, marketing, and HR, all within the tech industry.
At the same time, we need to actively create working environments that are attractive to women, including flexible working arrangements and equal opportunities for career development and salary.
So what do IT companies need to do to ensure that more women have the opportunity to achieve senior leadership roles within their organisations?
IT companies need to ensure there are mentoring programs in place for women, and that there is an advocate for them with the business or industry that can champion women in backing themselves and apply for higher-level roles. There also needs to be a genuine commitment from the top of organisations in seeing the benefit that gender diversity, indeed diversity in general, can bring about for the organisation.
Organisations should have targeted leadership development plans in place and provide opportunities for women to act in higher-order roles or projects to boost their profiles and experience.
Management should have a clear understanding of what leadership looks like for an organisation by way of competency and capability and being able to identify individuals who have the potential. An emerging Leaders program is an excellent way to develop those with the potential as an example.
Finally, there should be ongoing equal opportunities initiatives around ceilings and pay brackets within the industry.